Planner | Miami, FL

About Debora:

Nature Lover, #1 Fan of Easy Sunday Mornings, Enjoys Small Towns and Local Coffee Shops


Bachelor of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning, Florida Atlantic University

Dedicated | Thoughtful | Critical Thinker

Debora is a Planner in Renaissance’s South Florida office with expertise in land use, architecture and landscaping review, project management, compliance, data collection, comprehensive research and writing, economic development, and other aspects of public government and private land development. In Renaissance, Debora’s work is focused in performing compliance reviews of federal and state grant processes and requirements and monitoring reviews of participating agencies in the Florida Department of Transportation’s 5310 Triennial Review Process.

Prior to joining Renaissance, Debora worked as a City Planner in different Palm Beach County jurisdictions, where she was responsible for coordinating the review process of development proposals throughout the jurisdictions. Debora was also responsible for evaluating and maintaining Comprehensive Plans, Land Development Regulations, and Neighborhood and Redevelopment Plans.

I believe... 

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” - Steve Jobs