Urban Designer & Planner | Washington, D.C.

About Chase:

VR Enthusiast, Soccer Player, Amateur Chef, Creative Thinker


Master of Urban Design, Carnegie Mellon University, 2019

Master of Architecture, Hampton University, 2015

Positive | Determined | Creative

Chase has 6+ years of diversified experience in urban design, communications, public engagement, and architecture. He specializes in community design, transit oriented development, and placemaking, and he has experience facilitating community planning charrettes and meetings. Chase has served as a Planner and Urban Designer on long range transportation plans, corridor master plans, feasibility studies, corridor studies, and small town revitalization plans. In addition to designing through sketching and drawing, Chase is an avid 3d modeler who creates digital models – and uses them to better understand the unique character of places. Chase has led the research and development of new and emerging technologies to incorporate into workflows including content management, VR, and software integration.

I believe... 

“Cultures and climates differ all over the world, but people are the same. They’ll gather in public if you give them a good place to do it.” - Jan Gehl